Dealing with authorities and government

Training Content Framework
05 Dealing with authorities and government

Description of the Training Module 05

Training Content Framework
Dealing with authorities and government 

Module title

05 Authorities & Government

Notional Learning time

Approx. 6 hours

Description of the module

eGovernment is becoming increasingly widespread in European countries. In this module, learners are introduced to the basic principles of eGovernment, learn to identify themselves on the Internet using the digital signature, and then deal with various examples (geared towards national access).

Learning objectives

The module aims to care for the competence to handle requests to authorities and eGovernment.



  1. Case study: Contact authority to get a new passport
  2. List of typical eGovernment services
  3. Self-evaluation of eGovernment services
  4. Need for a digital signature
    1. Definition and description
    2. Various ways to get and use
  5. Self-evaluation
  6. Examples
    1. Passport
    2. Taxes
    3. Child registration
  7. Summary
  8. Summative assessment (Self-evaluation)


Learning content


Know about different e-government options and opportunities.
Identify, understand, and apply eGovernment challenges
Use eGovernment in daily life

Learning content type in moodle

  1. Case study
  2. “Graphical Map“ of eGovernment services
  3. Self-evaluation
  4. Multimedia-based description of digital signature (“Comic”).
  5. Reading: Summary Digital signature
  6. Multimedia-based examples 
  7. Summary with interactive question elements
  8. Summative test



  1. Run the case study
  2. Work through the list of eGovernment services
  3. Do the self-evaluation (eGovernment)
  4. Watch the “digital signature comic”
    Answer the questions to the digital signature
  5. Reading: Summary Digital signature
  6. Work through the examples
  7. Work through the summary
  8. Do the final assignment

External resources

Links to (national) eGovernment websites



Learning outcomes in terms of competence






Reference to competence map

Reference to competence map

Reference to competence map

Know about various eGovernment options and opportunities

Manage eGovernment challenges

Use eGovernment in daily life

Evaluation content

Final test (as a summative assessment), several intermediate self-evaluations