On-line training course in Greece

EDRASE organized the on-line course on “Digital Immigrants Survival Kit”. In these courses, the experience was collected in providing the DISK courses as Blended Online Learning Courses. Further information about this approach is available from the Transferability Guide (IO 05)-

The training material was developed during the Erasmus + / “Digital Immigrants Survival Kit” program (DISK, 2019-1-PT01-KA204-060898) and translated into Greek. The course aims to help adults to develop their digital skills. The course was provided in the Greek language for free and was organized in a Blended Learning form.  For the asynchronous part, the Moodle training platform was used. There were also two synchronous meetings, using the “Google meet” tool. The course took place from February until May 2022.

Description of the course

  • General Issues
    Participants created a virtual, e-classroom, in which trainees will collaborate with each other and with the trainer. Communication took place using synchronous and asynchronous collaborative tools.
  • Procedure
    The course was implemented entirely from a distance. Each week (Monday) the educational material of the week, as well as some activities – exercises is “unlocked”, which trainees were asked to implement and submit. Trainers should check the work and feed the trainees. The educational material started on 7/2/2022. The previous 2 weeks are an introduction to the course and contained instructions for it.
    In case of incorrect submission, the trainee could re-submit a new reply to the activity.
    Questions that aroused were mentioned in the forums of the website so that everyone could see them and answer them when they know.
  • Synchronous teleconferencing
    There were 2 teleconferences. An introductory and one in the middle of the course, where trainers and trainees discussed possible problems that were existing. Teleconferencing is optional.

Certificate of participation

Upon completion of the course, a certificate of participation was given to those trainees who had implemented and successfully submitted at least 70% of the assigned activities. The completion percentage was NOT indicated on the certificate.

Course content 

  • Diagnostic evaluation questionnaire
  • What is Netiquette? (basic Netiquette rules in communication, chat, teleconference, social media, forum, and Blogs).
  • Google meet tool
  • Google Earth installation, learning and working with it. Radio garden – The world through music
  • Google Maps & Street View (personal map creation, present certain milestones)
  • e-Commerce (cookies, Ways to identify fake eCommerce Page websites, internet trading).
  • Dealing with the state (e-governance, Digital document certification, Digital Certificate of Private Contract
  • Final evaluation questionnaire.