MyDigiSkills-Self Evaluation Tool
The project DISK (Digital Immigrants Survival Toolkit) aims to develop a toolkit for Digital Immigrants to improve their digital literacy. To be an active citizen in a digital society, if one does not have adequate digital skills, one risks being left behind as more and more social activities and services are performed online, alongside tasks in private life, business, and work. The DISK project and its skills map and toolkit with its modules are based on the European Digital Competence Framework for citizens known as DigComp and its five domains; information and Data Literacy, communication and collaboration, Digital Content Creation, security, problem-solving. In addition, a self-assessment tool, a mandala, is being developed as part of the DISK project.
The European Commission launched an interactive self-assessment tool MyDigiSkills for digital skills on 23 March 2021. MyDigiSkills helps to better understand one’s level of digital skills based on knowledge, skills, and attitudes in each of the five areas of the European Digital Competence Framework for citizens, known as DigComp. The five areas are: Read More …